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Webvõrk — Look at the CPA in a new way

??‍? Creative room — your source of inspiration!

Today, we want to show you a set of creatives for our new Lipo Genetiq offer.

It’s a complex of day and night drops that aims at curbing appetite and controlling weight. The drops also support blood sugar levels and normalize fat metabolism.

?? Learn how to drive traffic to the new product right now: https://blog.webvork.com/en/creative-roo...-genetiq-2[Imagen: photo_2022-11-03_18-19-23-jpg.27433]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


You have been driving traffic to Webvork offers all week and so we have the records of the best results that you've got.

The first place has Cardiobalance in Switzerland. Its approval was 49% with a €40 payout rate. Artrolux + Cream returned to the rating together with the fall's cold. In Switzerland, the offer earned a 44% approval rate.
The third spot has Latham. Cardiobalance in Chile has been on the top for a week already, demonstrating an excellent approval rate of 44%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin![Imagen: 7623795217053]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


You can talk for hours about the importance of landing pages in advertising funnels but the fact remains that the quality of the landing page is greatly important because this is where the lead decides to leave their money in favor of that affiliate marketer.

There are a lot of services that affiliates use to download their favorite landing pages and we could list them all here but… you don't need them anymore!
? All landing and pre-landing pages can be downloaded directly from your Webvork account and added to your hosting without using third-party services!

The downloading of landing pages is carried out via creating flows.

Download landing pages, finish them off for your needs, and drive traffic with Webvork! ?[Imagen: 7676984578205]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


Hello everyone! Today, Aleksander Chekulaev, head and founder of the Fb-killa affiliate marketing media resource and ex-affiliate came to chat with us!

His name, as well as the Fb-killa forum itself, are known to many in the affiliate community. In this interview, we talked about the sources of monetization that his service has, its annual profit and statistics, about the future of the service, Aleksander's affiliate past, and much more!

?? https://blog.webvork.com/en/affiliates-t...-chekulaev[Imagen: 7693190408989]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


Tradition has it that during Christmas and New Year time, everyone puts their life in order, which includes wanting to pay more attention to health. Therefore, we shouldn’t hesitate but help Europeans become more slender, active, and healthy! And our weekly list, as always, is on guard for the most profitable offers of the week?

Today, the first place in the list is occupied by Prostatricum Plus. In Italy, the offer earned 52% of approval.
The second spot was taken by Insulinorm. Its approval rate in Italy was 43%.
The third leader was Artrolux +. The joint remedy received 42% of approval rate in Switzerland.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin! ?[Imagen: 7734600614941]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.

? What do we know about Portugal?

At least the fact that ordinary people live there and they aren’t alien to health problems which means that nutra products will always find consumers in Portugal!

This GEO occupies not one of honorable spots in the Webvork affiliate program, often getting into approval top lists, so do pay attention to sunny Portugal ?

And we will give some tips on how best to drive traffic from this country:

1. Choose Portuguese language for creatives, and no other. Whether it's the text on your creative, ad copy, your video voiceover.
2. Make your promos mobile-friendly. Most people go online using smartphones.
3. The largest platforms there are Facebook and YouTube. Facebook’s target and YouTube’s context ads, as well as embedded advertising in messengers, perform very well.
4. Follow the events in the country on local platforms such as Sapo.pt.[Imagen: 7770383349533]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.

?? Passing all campaign tests and finding working approaches is 50% of success for an affiliate marketer.
And if you are part of a large-scale team, then spending money on tests can cost you hundreds or even thousands of euros.

But what about when you are a lone warrior or rather when you are a solo affiliate in the traffic niche with a minimum budget in your pocket? There is still a way out if you know where to look for campaign approaches and how to test them correctly: https://blog.webvork.com/en/how-to-find-...keting-ads[Imagen: 7790267777053]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


A place so loved by all affiliates — Dubai — is waiting for the top 25 Webvork publishers, and you just need to take your spot in this unforgettable trip?

Drive traffic to Webvork offers from May 22nd, 2022 to May 22nd, 2023 as part of the Arab Holidays contest, earn tickets for each €1000 you earn, and win a trip to Dubai!

In addition to a fully paid trip, each winner will receive invaluable experience of communicating with real professionals, owners of top teams in the nutra field, which will undoubtedly give you a great push for your self-development in the future.

?? Read the contest details on the website https://clck.ru/i3WMa[Imagen: 7805960627229]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


A couple of months ago, Webvork got several new offers at once. As always, they’ve got excellent design, high-quality ingredients, and thought-out promos.

One of them, PRO Biotic Slim, immediately attracted the attention of publisher Alexey Agarkov (from Perviy Arbitrajniy (https://vk.com/pervi_arbitrajniy)).

? In total, the new offer + the experience of this publisher gave him an outstanding ROI of 438.72%!

So, keep on reading how to skim cream off right now: https://blog.webvork.com/en/skim-the-cre...new-offer/[Imagen: 7849526181149]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.


Guys, let's sum up the results of the past week with this list of top offers for approval rates.
The first place today has Slim4Vit, a weight loss offer. For several years, the offer has been selling well in Europe, practically without losing in approval. This time in Austria, this figure was 42%.
Artrolux + Cream returned to the top together with cold weather. It's got a 39% approval rate in Switzerland.
The third place belongs to the Prostatricum offer in Portugal, 39%.

Follow our list of top offers and earn that coin! ?[Imagen: 7866152612637]

Webvork, orgulloso de ser un miembro de Foro Black Hat SEO desde Oct 2020.

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