Тop 10 offers of the week:
1. Moneyman MX СPA (ID 4203)
2. Vivus PL (ID 2587)
3. Vivus LV CPA (ID 2769)
4. Kubofinanciero MX CPL (ID 4119)
5. Visame ES (ID 5039)
6. NetCredit CPS PL - interest-free loan (ID 5042)
7. Ondo CPA LV (ID 2753)
8. Viaconto CPL+CPS RO (ID 4722)
9. Vialet Android (ID 4920)
10. Prestamer ES - CPS (ID 3011)
Тop 10 offers by EPC Mexico:
1. 4203 Moneyman MX СPA
2. 4035 Lendon MX CPA
3. 4199 AskRobin MX
4. 3621 Kreditiweb MX
5. 4181 Dineria.MX CPA
6. 4119 Kubofinanciero MX CPL
7. 5051 AdiosDeuda MX CPL
8. 4848 Pezetita MX CPL+CPA
9. 4843 Crezu MX CPL
10. 5020 Cashrush MX CPL+CPS
Тop 10 offers by EPC Spain:
1. 3011 Prestamer ES - CPS
2. 5067 Creditron ES CPL
3. 3625 Kreditiweb ES
4. 4015 Moneyman ES
5. 5083 Fedoro ES CPL
6. 2763 Vivus ES
7. 4932 Microcreditos24
8. 5039 Visame ES
9. 4742 Prestamosonlineya ES
10. 3717 Mazilla ES
![[Imagen: rmrew8O-Y_k.jpg]](https://sun9-18.userapi.com/RgIgOIOkz5TbwBntuBB95A7AepNx7DH8hXVtKg/rmrew8O-Y_k.jpg)
Diamond sponsor sierpnia - Ekapusta
Sierpień nadal zachwyca nas ciepłymi dniami, przed nami jeszcze pół miesiąca lata i 15 dni na wysłanie ruchu do oferty sponsorów diamentowych!
Do końca sierpnia punkty, które otrzymasz wysyłając ruch do oferty o numerze ID - 1658 pomnożą się przez 35!
I wiesz, gdzie wydać zebrane punkty!
LeadStore nadal oferuje duży wybór fajnych nagród.
Ekapusta czeka na Twój ruch!
![[Imagen: 0?e=1600905600&v=beta&t=9AAEzUoSYONZ-Tvg...7nVyBBVRMc]](https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5622AQFQwcxEn05jXg/feedshare-shrink_1280/0?e=1600905600&v=beta&t=9AAEzUoSYONZ-Tvgb0Jy9fO5jx91cNx5c7nVyBBVRMc)
Top offers Spain
1. 4015 Moneyman ES
2. 5067 Creditron ES CPL
3. 5083 Fedoro ES CPL
4. 2763 Vivus ES
5. 5122 MiSolvencia ES CPL
6. 1484 Credy ES
7. 3717 Mazilla ES
8. 4932 Microcreditos24
9. 3015 Prestamer ES - CPL + CPS
10. 3011 Prestamer ES - CPS
Top offers Mexico
1. 4203 Moneyman MX СPA
2. 4181 Dineria.MX CPA
3. 4199 AskRobin MX
4. 3621 Kreditiweb MX
5. 4843 Crezu MX CPL
6. 3347 Credy MX
7. 4035 Lendon MX CPA
8. 4119 Kubofinanciero MX CPL
9. 4848 Pezetita MX CPL+CPA
10. 5051 AdiosDeuda MX CPL
![[Imagen: lPcx5TFXTig.jpg]](https://sun9-64.userapi.com/HNhC7qI2VhFSIKy1XJBY6uGA0LrHvekixKdNGw/lPcx5TFXTig.jpg)
On Wednesday we held the third of five monthly raffle prize. And now we know all the winners from the third five:
VIP barbecue set;
60 euro advertising account replenishment;
120 euro advertising account replenishment;
700 000 points for purchases on Leadstore;
And…the winner of the trip to Qatar where he has a chance to win one of three BMW 5 became: ID-29867
There are still two draws left in September and October, you can participate and become a winner.
We would like to remind you once again that affiliates from the top 30 and affiliates who have won a ticket to Qatar in previous raffles can not participate.
![[Imagen: b7ItNFj8sYc.jpg]](https://sun9-72.userapi.com/-KGgb7msQjifFxegNAFAckXqPgwXQoS8v_vzyA/b7ItNFj8sYc.jpg)
Top offers Mexico
1. 5138 Creditron MX CPL
2. 4199 AskRobin MX
3. 3621 Kreditiweb MX
4. 4843 Crezu MX CPL
5. 4035 Lendon MX CPA
6. 4181 Dineria.MX CPA
7. 4903 Solcredito MX CPL +CPA
8. 5051 AdiosDeuda MX CPL
9. 4119 Kubofinanciero MX CPL
10. 4594 Doopla MX CPA
Top offers Spain
1. 5115 Pezetita ES CPL
2. 3011 Prestamer ES - CPS
3. 4015 Moneyman ES
4. 5083 Fedoro ES CPL
5. 2763 Vivus ES
6. 3015 Prestamer ES - CPL + CPS
7. 5038 Credilo ES
8. 3717 Mazilla ES
9. 1484 Credy ES
10. 5122 MiSolvencia ES CPL
![[Imagen: 95Vf84y4XJo.jpg]](https://sun9-73.userapi.com/g0cUYvZkFtEXjpIWt_31QDwPtvBCOZGcprEksw/95Vf84y4XJo.jpg)
Meet September sponsors
Summer is over. So sad. September has come very fast. It’s time to meet our September sponsors:
Diamond X35
Offer ID:1945, 1947
And Platinum sponsors X25
SKB bank
Offer ID:4906, 1565
Delo bank
Offer ID:1896
Offer ID: 2705, 2087
The LeadStore still has a great selection of cool prizes. Don’t forget to exchange points for tickets to monthly raffle prize. Good luck!
![[Imagen: MlcL4F5lJAA.jpg]](https://sun9-38.userapi.com/fCKXn3EoU4HVtUeiZ5iz4Mao9wFl04_7VOpOyQ/MlcL4F5lJAA.jpg)
Top 10 offers of the week:
1. Doopla MX CPA (ID 4594)
2. Moneyman ES (ID 4015)
3. Vivus PL (ID 2587)
4. Kubofinanciero MX CPL (ID 4119)
5. Pezetita ES CPL (ID 5115)
6. Prestamer ES - CPS (ID 3011)
7. NetCredit CPS PL - interest-free loan (ID 5042)
8. Fedoro ES CPL (ID 5083)
9. Vialet Android (ID 4920)
10. FerratumBank HR (ID 1454)
Best offers by EPC of the week
4015 Moneyman ES
3011 Prestamer ES - CPS
5083 Fedoro ES CPL
5067 Creditron ES CPL
4932 Microcreditos24
2763 Vivus ES
5122 MiSolvencia ES CPL
3015 Prestamer ES - CPL + CPS
4742 Prestamosonlineya ES
4838 Fiestacredito ES
Best offers by EPC of the week
5138 Creditron MX CPL
3347 Credy MX
4181 Dineria.MX CPA
4199 AskRobin MX
4843 Crezu MX CPL
4119 Kubofinanciero MX CPL
5051 AdiosDeuda MX CPL
4538 CrediClic MX CPL
3621 Kreditiweb MX
4903 Solcredito MX CPL +CPA
![[Imagen: uyc-mhWBoIU.jpg]](https://sun9-36.userapi.com/DQ0TPdTEOqRAjW6AaoDJb3R5yWwvGtX7aVCUFg/uyc-mhWBoIU.jpg)
Dear partner!
Affiliates who participate in «Leadgid’s Magic Lamp» contest continue to exchange their points for prizes in Leadstore.
Just have a look at those awesome prizes which have already been sent to affiliates in June:
• XIAOMI Roborock Vacuum Cleaner
• Apple AirPods Pro
• Apple iMac 27"
• Apple iPad (2019) Wi-Fi + Cellular 128 Gb
• Apple iPad Pro 11 256Gb Wi-Fi + Cellular
• Apple IPhone 11 128 Gb
• Apple IPhone SE 256 Gb
• Apple MacBook Air
• Apple MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar
• Apple Watch Series 5
• Audio-Technica ATH-ANC700BT
• Audio-Technica ATH-SR30BT
• Beats Solo Pro
• Dji OSMO Mobile 3 Combo
• JBL Flip 5
• JBL Xtreme 2
• Marshall Kilburn II
• Marshall Tufton
• Mavic Mini Fly More Combo
• Ninebot by Segway KickScooter ES4
• Sennheiser CX 6.00BT
• Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 1Тб
• XIAOMI Mi Robot Vacuum
• XIAOMI Roborock Vacuum Cleaner
We notice that each registered affiliate has the opportunity to take part in «Leadgid’s Magic Lamp» contest and exchange collected points for prizes on Leadstore!
Besides, each affiliate (except Top-30) is able to participate in our monthly ruffle prize, and compete for a trip to Qatar where he has a chance to win one of three BMW 5. He just need to exchange points for a ticket on LeadStore.
More details:
![[Imagen: CcS5CUAiVdk.jpg]](https://sun9-26.userapi.com/jYl4X-Pj7uGAak4PnWRr3P_6QK3IlflwrMVieg/CcS5CUAiVdk.jpg)
Top 10 offers of the week
1. Vivus PL (ID 2587)
2. Vexcash DE (ID 4377)
3. NetCredit CPS PL (ID 2425)
4. Viaconto CPL+CPS RO (ID 4722)
5. Pezetita ES CPL ID 5115)
6. Prestamer ES - CPS (ID 3011)
7. NetCredit CPS PL - interest-free loan (ID 5042)
8. Bondora EE CPS (ID 1034)
9. Doopla MX CPA (ID 4594)
10. Kubofinanciero MX CPL (ID 4119)
Best offers by EPC of the week Spain!
3011 Prestamer ES - CPS
4015 Moneyman ES
5067 Creditron ES CPL
5083 Fedoro ES CPL
2763 Vivus ES
3717 Mazilla ES
5115 Pezetita ES CPL
3015 Prestamer ES - CPL + CPS
1484 Credy ES
5122 MiSolvencia ES CPL
Best offers by EPC of the week Mexico!
4848 Pezetita MX CPL+CPA
3347 Credy MX
4199 AskRobin MX
4181 Dineria.MX CPA
4843 Crezu MX CPL
4035 Lendon MX CPA
5051 AdiosDeuda MX CPL
3621 Kreditiweb MX
4594 Doopla MX CPA
4119 Kubofinanciero MX CPL
![[Imagen: gPNVjZDBeEU.jpg]](https://sun9-47.userapi.com/GG4SQhTIdXBD12dmQOOF5hPYbOdFTEjhLWu_Sw/gPNVjZDBeEU.jpg)
Meet last week’s new offers!
Launched from September 21 to September 27, they are waiting for your traffic!
1. Konga - Loan
ID: 5187 / GEO: Russia
2. Kometa Zaim - Lon
ID: 5175 / GEO: Russia
3. PROFI CREDIT - approved lead API
ID: 5170 / GEO: Russia
4. Тинькофф Банк - Car Loan
ID: 5185 / GEO: Russia
5. Металлинвестбанк - Loan
ID: 5179 / GEO: Russia
6. Металлинвестбанк - refinancing
ID: 5180 / GEO: Russia
7. Сравни.ру - Loan comparison request
ID: 5147 / GEO: Russia
8. Нові Кредити UA - First loan, next loan
ID: 4416 / GEO: Ukraine
9. Cashx LK - CPL
ID: 5107 / GEO: Sri Lanka
10. Crezu AR - CPL
ID: 5181 / GEO: Argentina
Don’t miss your chance to pick the plum ?
![[Imagen: afgk7Y81rwM.jpg]](https://sun9-6.userapi.com/vdQXB7EeX00c59NIop2mZ2NHwqh85G5_MKFLQQ/afgk7Y81rwM.jpg)